Terra Incognita

Udruzenje gradjana


Civetta mountain

0 ° C - 1700 m

  • North France - Europe

    Mounte De France trip

  • North Italy- Europe

    Civetta trekking

  • North Italy- Europe

    San Pellegrino

    Price from $ 60

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25Dec 2023

Kotlovi Reke Belice

Tri retke evorsione lončine u Niševačkoj klisuri, 7 km od administrativnog centra Opštine Svrljig, predstavljaju prirodnu retkost u Srbiji, privlačeći turiste svojom lepotom i hladnom pijaćom vodom tokom letnjih meseci.

25Dec 2023

Niševačka klisura

Na samo 6 kilometara od Svrljiga, Niševačka klisura predstavlja jednu od najlepših klisura u istočnoj Srbiji. Sa dužinom od 1,5 kilometara, ova klisura je deo duže Svrljiške klisure i krije tragove bogate prošlosti, uključujući i naselja od neolita do srednjeg veka, Rimljane, Turke i značajne događaje poput izgradnje železnice u XX veku.

25Dec 2023

Svrljiške planine

Svrljiške planine, najduži planinski venac svrljiškog kraja, prostiru se pravcem severozapad-jugoistok na 25 km. Svojim raznovrsnim reljefom, od šuma do planinskih vrhova poput Zelenog vrha, nude idealno okruženje za seoski turizam. Istaknuti vrhovi kao Zeleni i Crni vrh privlače pažnju planinara iz celog sveta, a nova deonica puta od Niša do turističkog centra Stara planina podržava razvoj seoskog turizma u ovom regionu.


Secret wild locations

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sign Alex Patterson Founder & CEO

Great team

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proidente.

Here by 20 years

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proidente.

True passion

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proidente.

Friendly staff

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proidente.

Experts only treks

Experts only treks

Experts only treks


We know how to do it

Lorem ipsum dolor sit ame tion ullamco laboris nisi ut aliqu r in reprehenderit ma quiese nostrud exercitation iconsectetur adipiscing elitsed do eiusmo fugiat nulla pariature.

Explore treks


Secret wild locations

From $49

Bianco Excursion

Group size10

Monte bianco is a mountain located in the deep nature and rivers.

Gusela, Alpes, Italy
From $149

Family trip

Group size10

Monte bianco is a mountain located in the deep nature and rivers.

Pellegrino, Alpes, Italy
From $49

Monte Excursion

Group size5

Monte bianco is a mountain located in the deep nature and rivers.

Albert, Alpes, Italy
From $99

Medio Excursion

Group size10

Monte bianco is a mountain located in the deep nature and rivers.

Monte, Alpes, Italy
From $49

Civetta Trekking

Group size10

Monte bianco is a mountain located in the deep nature and rivers.

Monte, Alpes, Italy

    Experienced team

    We always lived inside our amazing nature

    Easy joining

    Contact us and in 2 minutes you're booked

    Europe locations

    We provide trips on various european countries

    Great waterfall

    Our excursions will bring you to great waterfalls